Wednesday, February 14, 2007

"Democratic" Iraq

Mikaela says:

Today from Democracy Now, we have this news:

Iraq to Expel Thousands, Spy on Iraqis in Baghdad Crackdown
The Iraqi government has announced a series of controversial new measures in its crackdown on Baghdad. Tens of thousands of displaced Iraqis have been told to leave homes Iraq says are being occupying illegally. The Iraqi government also says it will eavesdrop on phone calls and open mail at will. Military forces will be authorized to break into any homes and cars judged to be dangerous. Iraq also says it will close its borders with Iran and Syria, increase military checkpoints, and extend Baghdad’s military curfew.

I bet the Iraqis are more grateful than ever to have had Democracy thrust upon them. Makes you teary to see a fledgling Democracy in action, doesn't it? To see liberty take root?

Ah, we Liberators feel our hearts swell to overflowing at the terrible beauty we spread to the world. You're welcome!

Happy Valentine's Day, Iraq.

Yours truly, forever,
