Maggie says:
It's a late foliage season thanks to global warming, so my weekend adventure included gorgeous hues of gold and orange and red where I expected to see bare branches. Fall is my favorite season; it just doesn't get any more beautiful than autumn colors in the trees. These were all taken in the yard and driveway of our hostess Jean in Guilford, CT. I was too enamored during our long drives to get out the camera for scenic landscape pics, but it's hard to beat this yard. Our New Haven weekend was picturesque and loads of fun, although the football score was not as fun as the tailgating might have you believe. Don't tell, but... I think I'll take leaves and laughs over football any day. Enjoy!
(Click on these for a full-size peek into the marsh... as a NC swamp girl, I'm a sucker for swampy marsh land... it's always so strangely beautiful to me.)