Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Latest Dollar and Non-sense

Mikaela says:

The trade deficient is the worst EVER. But should you be worried? Not as worried about the deficit, perhaps, as our government's reaction to it.

U.S. Treasury Secretary claimed that the growing trade deficit shows our economy's strength, not weakness (Orwell eat your heart out!). "The economy is growing, expanding, creating jobs and disposable income and that shows up in the demand for imports," he said.

Then he went on to blame our TRADING PARTNERS for the deficit. If they'd just charge more for their goods, we wouldn't be in this mess! Or better yet, if they'd just buy more of our products... oh, wait ... we don't make products here anymore. Oh well, at least our CEOs will still be rich!

Forget the cake; let them eat fortune cookies!