Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Infiltrating Albuquerque

So we're not all talk here at m-pyre. When we say we're community organizers, we mean it.

A lot can be said about Albuquerque, both good and bad. One of the best things is how accessible the city is for change. You can still make a difference with not a lot of effort. With that said, it's amazing how many people don't even put out the little it would take to insert themselves in the process.

But enough finger wagging! Actually, I want to announce a new city/NHCC/ABQ Slam Poetry Council partnership: Poetry-in-Motion, a city-wide, yearly contest to get poetry on the Rapid Ride Buses.

Marty Mayor will announce it tomorrow at his little PR event for Tingley Beach & newly opened Rapid Ride stop.

The contest will run May 15-June 15, with winners announced by August. Poetry will be up and running (every 10 minutes!) for the National Poetry Slam Competition August 8-15 (which everyone should go to!) and will continue until next April.

The theme (of course) is Albuquerque itself, in honor of next year's Tricentennial celebration.


Send up to 3 poems (limit 250 words) to:
City of Albuquerque
ATTN: ABQ Ride -- Marketing Division
100 First Street SW
Albuquerque, NM 87102

In a few days, you can check out more details at the website for the National Hispanic Cultural Center (http://www.nhccnm.org/).