Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Toot, toot

Maggie says:

Someone's gotta say it. As of this afternoon, Marjorie and I have finished all the requirements for our master's degrees. We're done. Theses approved. On our way toward... something else. A chapter closing, a new one opening. Done.

My final push can be solely credited to listening to Death Cab for Cutie's "Soul Meets Body" 5,000 times over the last stretch of writing. And how about deciding to restructure the entire thing after my defense and less than a week before the final version was due? Ahhh... I love those tough decisions that wreak havoc on your sense of sanity. But it's a better paper now (not that I'll be able to stand looking at it again for a while...). Time to move on.

Back to everything I've been neglecting: old friends, family, pets, my living space, my cooking habits. And of course, this little old blog (which we just found out is being used as a recruiting tool for the CRP program, hilariously!).

Welcome me back, little old blog. I hope you missed me. I'm here to stay.