Monday, April 30, 2007

Duke City BMX in the Front Yard

marjorie says...

I can't help but comment on news coverage about the BMX stadium.

Channel 7 led off tonight with the comment that neighbors are saying about the BMX stadium "Not in our Back Yards" if the case fits the stereotype of NIMBY neighbors. Let's clarify this ...the stadium is in the Front yard...just a little over 160 feet from the front yards to be exact. It's basically an open air shed...with no noise barriers at all. So why is it that the neighbors are characterized like this? And in the Journal they are characterized as "annoyed" and "complaining." I'm pleased to see the coverage, but these characterizations annoy me to the point of complaint.

On the news tonight, a spokesperson for city government had this to say:

“we want to work with the neighborhood as much as we can if they have issues, but again, the process was followed”

"Issues" is a rather benign word for what residents think is serious damage to their property values.