Monday, September 11, 2006

Mini-Series or Fascism?

marjorie says...

I completely understand why Clinton and his cronies are upset about this ABC mini-series about 9-11. It is important to have historical accuracy and the unfortunate truth is that a huge number of Americans form their opinions directly from such fictionalized nonsense. And I also do believe that this mini-series is a partisan affair, otherwise you wouldn't see Republicans coming out in its defense while Democrats condemned it. ABC really ought to be ashamed of itself...airing it this close to the general election. Either ABC is full of Republicans or the people running that place really do buy into the notion that in this country entertainment and politics can be separated. Rather, the reverse is true...they are almost one and the same.

Having said this, let's all take a time out with our rhetoric about who is to blame. Once again I am beset on all sides from folks urging me to call ABC and protest, saying: "...after all, Bush was in office for 9 months before the attacks." WOW. 9 MONTHS. As anyone knows, 9 months flies in the blink of an eye, and those attacks took a much longer time to plan. If Clinton isn't to blame after 8 YEARS in office, well neither is Bush. In reality, it isn't either parties fault. It was the product of a system that had not yet shifted to meet the realities of a non-cold war era.

Speaking of shifting to meet those realities, if any of you hadn't noticed Bush and company are currently engaged in a major propaganda effort to shore up their reputation in the face of their failed war in Iraq and their attack on our civil liberties. Bush is going to address the nation tonight and urge us all to be ok with Torture and internal Government Spying. Just to remind folks, these are the types of activities that we banned as immoral and dangerous a long time ago. And a new type of enemy does not justify a return to them. Unless we're all comfortable being on the road to fascism.

Let's get out of the relentless merry go round of party politics wrapped up in personalities and really examine what we're facing. No I'm not going to call ABC about a mini-series that might hurt the feelings of Democrats. I'd rather think about more important matters.