Saturday, January 13, 2007

Connect the Dots

[I just had to post this in response to Marjorie’s excellent post about MLK, Jr.]

Mikaela says in 2003:

Connect the dots




Cultivate the will

the fortitude

the stomach

to call shit as you see it

name it

change it

arrange it

Complicit in the world-as-it-is

is our silence

We trade “solace” for “privacy”

“community” for “solitude”

hide our gifts

not to feel powerless

close our eyes

not to feel blind

believe stories

not to feel lied to

Our ears wither

with disuse

Our fears grow

with exercise

Our hands

severed with knives of our own creation

search by themselves

for the necks of our oppressors

And we

all of us children

learn what it is

we don’t want to know.