Wednesday, February 21, 2007

What Country Is This? What Year Is This??

Mikaela says:
I freely admit I have been out of it for years now. Nerdy, political, getting older all the time -- I've got my head buried firmly in internet news.

But I just stumbled on a dress code policy for a local middle school (6-8 grades, or 11-14 year olds roughly). As you read, think about what country this sounds like. What year.

Shirts: Polo shirts of a solid color. Polo shirts must have collars with no more than three buttons and sleeves of approximately 5 inches in length. Logos allowed in front only, no bigger than 2-inch square, and must conform to the Logo policy as stated below.

Flannel jackets/shirts (plaid) are not allowed.

Pants/Belts: Docker style pants of cotton or corduroy in any solid color and worn at waist level.

Pants that do not comply with our dress policy: Sweats, workout pants, nylon pants, jeans of any color, cargo, carpenter, skater, coveralls, overalls, baggy, and form fitting (extra tight) pants. Pants cannot have leg zippers, fasteners, metal objects, or pockets on leg of pants and must be worn at waist level.

Shorts, Skirts and Skorts: No shorter than fingertip length [above the knee] and worn at waist level.

Sweaters and Vests: Any solid color worn over a Polo shirt. Logos allowed in front only, no bigger than 2-inch square, and must conform to the Logo policy as stated below. Sweaters and vests may not have any form of writing other than allowed logos.

Jackets and Sweatshirts: Logos of any size allowed but must conform to the Logo policy as stated below. Hooded jackets and sweatshirts allowed but hoods may not to be worn indoors.

Accessories: No buckles, chains, metal objects, studs, sweatbands, spiked jewelry, sunglasses, hairnets, and bandanas. No more than two items of jewelry.

Hats and any form of headgear are not allowed on campus.

Reading this list, my mouth was literally hanging open in disbelief.

I remember all the hoopla about uniforms, and I remember them getting firmly put down as a good idea. Well, they're back. I'm totally SHOCKED that JEANS ARE NO LONGER ALLOWED. Really? Jeans? Are you kidding me? That's right. You've gotta wear solid-color dockers or corduroy. And polo shirts of a solid color. NO FLANNEL. Not that flannel was ever the BEST fashion choice, but ... harmful to an educational environment? Hard to believe. I'm guessing flannel is "gang-related" or something? This hardly seems reasonable to me.

What have we let happen? Were things really bad enough to warrant this? I'm imagining passing period looks like something straight out of Dr. Seuss! Where are kids buying all those polos?? Is that why polos have not died out as a style? What irony, that the polo is now the strait-jacket for APS kids. Good grief.