Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Marty is Picking on Young People...ONCE AGAIN

From: Mónica Córdova, SW Organizing Project
To: Friends and Supporters,

I am angered to inform you that the event the SWOP youth and the South Valley Male Involvement Project have been planning for the last three months has been cancelled. The youth have faced numerous difficulties from the city in trying to put on Rock Out with Your Cause. We received word via our lawyer that the city is not going to grant us the permit to go forth with the event, meant to entertain and educate young people on how to lead healthy and informed lives. Proving once again that the city does not support youth.

SWOP would like to ask for your supports in the days to come. The rally will be held on Saturday August 26, 2006 at Civic Plaza at 12:00pm.

There is a much BIGGER situation at hand than the youth not getting the permit, youth are not supported by the mayor and the city and our community needs to know!!!!

You can help by:

Attending the press conference in support.
Attending the rally to support youth of this city.
Sending me a statement in support of our event and the youth.
Outreach by getting the word out about the rally!!

Again THANK YOU for your support and we hope to see you at the rally!!!!

Mónica Córdova, Youth Coordinator