Tuesday, August 01, 2006

our "helping" hand

marjorie says...

As I'm sure many of you know, Fidel Castro has "temporarily" handed over control of Cuba's Communist Party to his brother Raul, while he recovers from surgery. This is the first time this has happened so it must be pretty serious.

I want to comment on the following statement by George W. speaking in Miami on Monday, before Castro announced the transfer of power:

"If Fidel Castro were to move on because of natural causes, we've got a plan in place to help the people of Cuba understand there's a better way than the system in which they've been living under," he told WAQI-AM Radio Mambi, a Spanish-language radio station. "No one knows when Fidel Castro will move on. In my judgment, that's the work of the Almighty."

Don't you just love the patronizing arrogance of that statement? We're going to "help" the people of Cuba "understand" that there's "a better way" of doing things than the way they do them now.

What makes us so damn smart? What makes us the repository of correct knowledge on the planet? Why is our system so much better than anything else?

It would be laughable if it weren't so...well...ominous...