Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Bush Lies: Evidence from across the Atlantic

Mikaela says:
Not that you would know this from the NY Times or the Washington Post, but the story's all over the blogosphere:

A secret memo leaked from England exposes Bush's plan to attack Iraq without provocation, and "intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy."

Prime Minister Blair, several of his cabinet members, and the Attorney General met in July of 2002 to discuss whether England could support the U.S. in its invasion. Blair clearly wanted to, but the Attorney General cautioned that the justification was "thin" (“Saddam was not threatening his neighbours and his WMD capability was less than that of Libya, North Korea or Iran”) and then suggested they push the UN to force weapons inspectors on Iraq, hoping that Saddam would resist and therefore give them the justification for the invasion.

What's clear in the memo is that Bush knew he was going to war and was open that he was going to pin it on "terrorism and WMD."

In the meantime, he was claiming publicly that no decisions had been made. I guess he needed more time to ramp up the rhetoric.

This story is potentially bigger and more actionable than Watergate, but it has yet to reach the pages of our country's "free media," i.e. the mainstream press.

Check it out at http://www.commondreams.org/headlines05/0506-01.htm
Friday, May 6: "British Memo Indicates Bush Made Intelligence Fit Iraq Policy"

The original memo was printed in full in London's Times On-Line:
"The secret Downing Street memo"

The original is even better and more damning than the stories coming out suggest.

If this one gets covered up or ignored, too, I won't know what to think about the future of our country.

Despite what detractors have said recently, the ire that I reserve for this administration is in direct proportion to how much I love this country. Would I be this upset if I really hated America? I have to admit, I do hate what America seems to have become lately, that's for sure. More than one blogger has made the point that we are force-fed Michael Jackson and the Runaway Bride as news and entertainment, while this potentially admististration-shattering, life-and-death information about Bush and the Iraq invasion goes unreported.