Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Searching ourselves

Maggie says:
Notice two new additions to the m-pyre sidebar: a search box and a group e-mail address. Both seemed needed for a variety of reasons, so there they are. Now you can search us or e-mail us to your heart's content.

Or more likely... we can search ourselves. It's pretty fun. I found the following statistics contrasting the number of times we've written posts containing certain words. Check it out:

Women – 21
Men – 16 (Including the classic Marjorie phrase “Men with guns who think they have a right to play God”)

Poor – 18
Rich – 0

Poverty – 4
Wealth – 2

Love – 19
Hate – 9

And what are we doing in our free time? Well, the handy search box tells us that we're:
Planning – 15
Reading – 13
Organizing - 6 (that's community organizing, not organizing our... lives or anything)

What do we talk about?
Bush - 59
Albuquerque - 27
Politics – 19

C'mon, what else?