Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Home now, but...

Maggie admits:
...still watching. Can't break away.

The Senate seems so close, so real!

Marjorie and I left the party in a glum state after Wilson's press conference, so now I'm asking myself how bittersweet a Madrid loss would be with all these other amazing gains.

Of course, we never know until we know... But these numbers have spoken tonight, all around the world. And that makes me proud. I know the effort and heart and soul behind the Madrid campaign, that they tried their very best, and they were part of this sea change tonight, part of its spirit. But if that race doesn't prevail, it's gotta be okay. Tonight is bigger than one race, bigger than two candidates.

The larger battle has been won handily tonight, and Americans have spoken. That's the real victory, whatever happens with NM-01.

Optimism update, courtesy of Gene Grant: Lots and lots of ballots to hand count tonight. It's bigger than conservative precincts.