Monday, November 27, 2006

We're at Civil War in Iraq

Mikaela says:
Mainstream media has begun to label Iraq a civil war. Academics who study these things are finally satisfied. The White House isn't happy.

Here's standard criteria by which to judge a civil war:

By Monica Duffy Toft

There are six criteria for considering a conflict a civil war.

Q. Is the focus of the war control over which group governs the political unit?

Q. Are there at least two groups of organized combatants?

Q. Is the state one of the combatants?

Q. Are there at least 1,000 battle deaths per year on average?

Q. Is the ratio of total deaths at least 95 percent to 5 percent? In other words, has the stronger side suffered at least 5 percent of the casualties?

Q. Is the war occurring within the boundaries of an internationally recognized state or entity?

She says yes to all above in Iraq since 2004.