Sunday, June 11, 2006

Richardson Outted as Pres. Candidate -- by Blogger Conference

Mikaela says, way behind:
Interesting to me that Richardson appears so naturally in the Washington Post story about the Daily Kos convention after all his protestations that he wasn't interested in a shot at the Presidency. Take a look.

Testifying to the significance of the blogosphere as an emerging political force was the parade of Democratic politicians who came to pay their respects, including Senate Minority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.), Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean and four prospective 2008 presidential candidates. "I pay as much attention [to the bloggers] as I can," Reid said by phone before his arrival for Saturday night's keynote address. "I think it's a voice I need to listen to. I listen."

The prospective candidates -- former Virginia governor Mark R. Warner, Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack, New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson and retired Army Gen. Wesley K. Clark -- all hope they can generate support among an activist constituency that has already expressed its hostility toward Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) as a cautious and consummate insider.

The question in my mind is how much dirty laundry New Mexicans will share if he decides to take the leap, or whether we'll keep our hands over our own mouths (I'm speaking mostly to the ladies here...) out of loyalty to our state and hopes that more good than ill will come of it than if we take him down. I personally think he's taken advantage of one too many women and lots too many political opportunities to let slide. Any bets? You know there are stories already written just waiting to hit the papers...