Thursday, July 10, 2008

Obama discovers Texas

marjorie says...

Yes, this is m-pyre news.

From a New York Times article on Obama's travels during the campaign:

“A place that I’ve come to love, which I did not expect until this campaign, is Texas,” he said in an interview the other day aboard his campaign plane, a patchwork of the countryside passing below him. “I ended up loving Texas! I’ve been struck by how many beautiful places there are in the country that you don’t necessarily think of as beautiful. Pittsburgh, for example, is a really handsome town with the rivers and the hills.”

Hello! and Thank you!

And in perhaps a more interesting observation for the rest of you, here's what he says about regional distinctions:

Many of the regional distinctions in the United States, he said, “in terms of culture, politics, attitudes, people,” have been muted. After 18 months of traveling extensively across the country, he said, “the biggest differences have more to do with rural, suburban, urban, as opposed to north, south, east or west.”