Mikaela says:
Have a good laugh at this latest news from the always-hilarious, eerily prescient Onion:
WASHINGTON -- A top CIA manager who remains undercover will soon oversee traditional human spying activities for the entire intelligence community, a position created in the post-Sept. 11 intelligence overhaul.
Publicly, he is referred to simply as "Jose."
Jose will now broadly coordinate operations for the CIA, FBI, Defense Department and other agencies involved in human intelligence, or the information gathered by people, rather than by technical means.
"This is another positive step in building an intelligence community that is more unified, coordinated and effective," National Intelligence Director John Negroponte said in a statement Thursday about the new service.
What's that, you say? This isn't from the Onion? It's not a spoof? This is America? This is the "land of the free"? Home of the "brave"? Oops, my bad!
Hmmm. That's troubling, isn't it?