Maggie points out:
The Rumproast tally of "McCain/Palin's EPIC FAIL day. (Via Bethany.)
Quoted verbatim (except that I took out an f-word for Mr. C):
"I haven’t seen anyone compile everything that turned sour for McCain and Palin yesterday, so let me take a stab at it. If I missed anything, please let me know in the comments.
- The NY Times reports that Rick Davis’ lobbying firm was receiving 15,000 a month up until last month from Freddie Mac.
- Campbell Brown’s “Free Sarah Palin” rant on CNN goes viral.
- New Washington Post/ABC News poll shows Obama up nine points over McCain.
- New Fox News poll shows Obama up six points over McCain.
- The National Inquirer releases the identity of the man Sarah Palin allegedly had an affair with in ‘96.
- A super creepy video of Palin’s former “witch hunter” pastor laying hands on her in ‘05 starts circulating via YouTube. [UPDATE: It gets even worse.]
- Palin’s interview with Katie Couric is a full-blown disaster.
- The media and punditry immediately call bullshit on John McCain’s blatantly transparent political stunt of “suspending” his campaign and asking for Friday’s debate to be postponed. Morning roundup here.
- Obama doesn’t fall for McCain’s bullshit.
- Neither does the American public.
- Alaskan state rep calls for investigation into tampering by McCain campaign for interference in Troopergate investigation.
- David Letterman turns hard on McCain for canceling his appearance on the Late Show (and lying about the reason) and fills the vacancy with one of McCain’s harshest media critics, Keith Olbermann.
- Right after Letterman’s show, Craig Ferguson eviscerates McCain as well.
- Internal talking points about McCain’s campaign suspension are accidentally emailed to the media.
- Laura Bush says Palin lacks foreign policy experience.
- It’s revealed that McCain met with former Clinton supporter Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild while Obama was waiting for him to return his phone call about the financial crisis.
Okay, I’m exhausted, but I’m sure I’ll be adding more. In all of my way-too-long adult life, I’ve never seen a presidential campaign have a worse day than what the McCain/Palin camp endured yesterday. Let me know what else I missed (or got wrong) and stay tuned."