Thursday, April 20, 2006

BLOG-IN: the FREE MARKET is In The House!!

marjorie says...

FINALLY, a bozo finally said it: "that proves that the free market is working"

and of course, "the market works"

Woohoo!! The "Free Market" is in the house. You all know how I feel about that mythical being.

This guy is Senator Cravens, representing PAVE: Protect Albuquerque's Vibrant Economy. Got to love that acronym.

Most of what he's saying is more of the same, yada, yada, yada. He's saying that there is no way a minimum wage will pass at the state level. And it should have to be passed at the Federal Level if at all.

Heinrich and Benton ask: Have you worked to get it passed at the Federal level??

Craven: uhhh...well, no....

Debbie O'Malley is currently taking him to task: I can not believe you are saying Eclipse would have scratched us off the list if this bill was in place when they were making the decision to move here...because they have been tremendously subsidized by us...and corporations move here for all kinds of reasons...the entire package. I can not believe Eclipse would say that. I just can not believe it. YES!! Debbie, we love you! Maggie says: that's my councilor!

Me: Senator...You are indeed Craven.

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